How to Uninstall Sophos Antivirus on Mac?
Sophos antivirus is considered among the most worthwhile and sought-after security products. However, many users have to uninstall the product temporarily or permanently due to problems or personal reasons. If you also need help removing the product or have any issues while doing it, then we are going to help you out.
Our two well-tailored methods will help you learn the step-by-step process to uninstall Sophos antivirus from Mac easily. So, continue reading this write-up till the end!
Method 1: Uninstall Via Remove Sophos Endpoint
You can uninstall the Sophos product completely by using the removal tool. Here is the full stepwise procedure that will help you perform the uninstallation easily.
Before we get started with the process, you need to turn off Tamper protection. To do this, select Endpoint Protection from the Sophos Central Dashboard.
After that, select Computers, then select your Mac system.
Next, scroll down to the Tamper Protection section, and then select the option Disable Tamper Protection.
Now, from your Mac home screen, click on the magnifying glass (🔍) icon to open Spotlight.
Furthermore, search for the Remove Sophos Home, then select the application from the result.
If the removal tool does not show up on the screen, then the download is from the official Sophos website.
Once you open the removal tool, click on the Continue option on the welcome screen.
When a pop-up prompt appears on the screen, type your user password and select the option Install Helper.
Now, the tool will start removing the Sophos product automatically.
When you see the removal was a successful notification on the screen, click Close.
Finally, inspect your device to confirm if the Sophos uninstallation was successful or not.
Method 2: Remove Directly From the Application
Another easy method you can use to remove the Sophos program is to uninstall it from the application itself. Follow-up steps will help you understand the entire process.
First, you have to disable the Tamper protection. To do that, choose Endpoint Protection from Sophos Central Board.
After that, select Computer and then choose your Mac device.
Next, scroll down to the Tamper Protection section, then click Disable Tamper Protection.
Now, scroll back up and click Update Now to save the changes, then close the program.
Furthermore, click on the Finder on your Mac desktop and select the Applications options.
Now, look for the Sophos product, right-click on it, and choose the Move to Bin option.
After that, the Sophos program will be removed from your device.
Sophos users have to uninstall the program from their device as a result of various reasons, such as facing an error, the product not working properly, transferring the product to another device, etc. In addition, discontinuing the subscription plan is another major reason for doing that. With the help of simple and effective methods, you can easily uninstall Sophos antivirus from Mac device. Moreover, you can look for more resources and ask for help from someone experienced if you are unable to uninstall the program yet.